Mart Cart
Outdoor Retail
Designed for outdoor retail markets, MartCart is for small businesses, vendors and open-air retail in a post pandemic reality. Providing designated work space, for vendors. As well as many options for display set ups by using a peg wall system and storage space.
I focused on designing a small cart that could be used for trade shows, farmers market, or flea markets. I wanted to leave the idea open to hold multiple different types of goods sold by independent vendors. Outdoor retail such as farmers markets, should be seen as an opportunity to help people shop safely during this pandemic. They can hold a vital economic role, as they support neighborhood communities and small businesses.
After experimenting with different line studies to create different types of surfaces I made my decision on the current form and did some models as well as full scale drawings. I went into ideation with using bent metal tube in mind. Inspired by Eileen gray furniture, seeing how I could incorporate that form and simplicity into a mobility piece. I took a look at different types of wheelbarrows and mobil cart for libraries and gardening as well.
Customizable Features
I wanted to keep the inner storage versatile as well as customizable. I decided to illustrate avery simple inner box structure that provides room for crate storage as well as display. Two walls be- ing pegboard create options to change shelves and accessories based on items being sold and storage needed.